Thursday 21 June 2012

Kickstarter technical considerations

Interesting look at the technicalities and loopholes of reaching kickstarter goals.  Something that will probably need to be addressed by KS in the future!

Thursday 14 June 2012

Full trailer released for Deponia

Beautiful point and click adventure game, somewhat akin to Monkey Island 3 in graphic style and attitude.  Worth keeping an eye on.

Booth babes at E3, are they bad for business now?
Great article about the shift in demographics for the games industry, and why aiming your promotion entirely at men and playing to stereotypes could be alienating female gamers and harming your business/sales.

Monday 11 June 2012

Kickstarter musings
An interesting article on the ins and outs of Kickstarter.  As Neil Gaiman puts it: "For anyone worried that Kickstarter is a finite pool, or a big Kickstarter is taking money away from smaller ones"