Monday 20 February 2012


Another important part of this module, and in preparation for joining the industry, is to gain work experience on an internship/placement either during term time or over the summer holidays.  I fortuitously stumbled across a company a couple of weeks ago, who were remaking old Sierra adventure games, upgrading the graphics from the earlier EGA, to the VGA quality and style of their later releases, and producing some original work too.  I sent them an email and was invited to join their forums where I became an intern, and after a few sample projects was promoted to a full team member.  As the company is made up of people from all over the world, they operate online so we can all work from home, at the hours convenient to us, interacting through the forum.  The perk of this, is that not only do I see what goes on in my own department, but all the work being done everywhere else to make the game, from programming, to music, to branding and marketing.  So far, it has been a very fun job to do, and has given me great experience of working in a team, adapting to different styles and increasing the speed at which I work.

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